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Workaround for 'not provided'

Christine Cahoon   Wed 28 Nov 2012   updated: Sat 23 Feb 2013

A common question we get asked during the workshops is what can we do with the 'not provided' values within Google Analytics. About a year ago, Google introduced SSL encryption for search queries completed by logged in Google users. This encryption means that a lot of valuable data has gone missing from Google Analytics and replaced with '(not provided)'. Frustrating!

Econsultancy found a Google Analytics hack that will enable you to gain some insight where these users are have come from. Basically by applying a filter (see screenshot) to a profile (worth creating a new profile to keep all data intact), you can tell Google Analytics, to do three things:

- whenever a search term that matches 'not provided', apply this filter

- display the address of the page reached where '(not provided)' was the referring search term

- discard the original '(not provided)' search term, and replace it with 'np -' followed by the landing page address.

Once applied, test the filter by going to: (if it redirects you to or another international site, you'll need to click the 'Go to' link at the bottom right of the page). Make sure your browser address bar contains 'https://'. Search for something you know you rank for. Select the link through from Google to your site. Then have a look at the 'Real-time' Overview reports and you will see the results displayed with more information than otherwise possible.

Full explanation available from Econsultancy blog.

And another article on 'Not provided' that may be of interest.